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Same Day NRI Court Marriage in Delhi Ncr & Ghaziabad

NRI Court Marriage in Delhi

NRI Court Marriage in Delhi, NRI Court Marriage in Delhi NCR, NRI Court Marriage in Ghaziabad
NRI Court Marriage in Delhi, Ghaziabad is performed under 2 different Acts 1. Special Marriage Act 1954 and 2. Hindu Marriage Act 1955. NRI court marriage in Delhi NCR is done when one of the couples belongs to a Non-resident of India. Yes, it is legal in India, and anyone can marry a foreigner in India with his/her consent. Because of a person who is a resident of a foreign country. The procedure of verification is quite different, and you may face difficulty in processing it.
There are various aspects which we have to discuss to make you aware of the complete procedure of NRI court marriage in Delhi and NRI court marriage in Ghaziabad. We’re going to discuss everything with you so that you’ll get the precise knowledge of everything you need to know about foreign court marriage.
In this discussion, we’ll discuss eligibility, pre-requisites, the procedure of foreigner court marriage in Delhi NCR, the procedure of foreigner court marriage in Ghaziabad, documentation and also tell you about the fraud activities happening in Delhi and Ghaziabad regarding NRI court marriage. So, if you’re planning to perform an NRI court marriage and you’re a resident of Delhi NCR or Ghaziabad, then just stick with this discussion
NRI Court marriage in Delhi NCR
If a person is willing to perform a foreign court marriage in Delhi NCR, then there are 2 acts through which they can complete their marriage.
● Under Special Marriage Act, 1954
● Under Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
In the Special Marriage Act of 1954, a couple, no matter to whom religion they belong, is eligible to perform court marriage. It is a way through which a couple can complete their marriage by registering it in the courtroom. Whereas in the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955, the couple needs to fulfil some conditions. For both the parties who applied for the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955, court marriage must belong to the Hindu religion. Further things about court marriage under these acts are listed below.
NRI Court Marriage in Delhi under Special Marriage Act 1954
Well, there is another provision where a couple can perform their court marriage under the Special Marriage Act of 1954 in just 2 days. Yes, it is possible, but in that case, too, your certificate will be issued after completion of 30 days. So, if both the parties don't belong to the same religion and want to complete their marriage under a special marriage act and don't have so much time to visit the court again and again then they can perform court marriage in just 2 visits of court in just 2 days. They’ll get their marriage certificate after completing 30 days of registration.
Same Day NRI Court Marriage in Ghaziabad
NRI Court Marriage in Delhi NCR Ghaziabad under Hindu Marriage Act 1955
Under the Hindu Marriage Act 1955, the government of India will provide validation to the marriage in just 1 day. Under the act, the Foreigner/NRI will get the marriage certificate which is globally accepted in just 1 day. Under the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955, the couple who belongs to the Hindu religion will get the chance to perform their marriage following the traditional Hindu marriage rituals. But, this is only possible if both the parties who have applied for Court marriage belong to the Hindu religion. In foreign court marriages in Delhi NCR, sometimes it is hard to find that both parties belong to the Hindu religion.
This is because one of the parties is a resident of a foreign country, and sometimes they belong to a different religion. In that case, the couple is allowed to perform court marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955, but the non-Hindu party will have to complete a procedure called “Shuddhi”. “Shuddhi” is a religious conversion process followed in Hindu religion. When this happens, the non-Hindu party will get a Hindu status with a dedicated Hindu name. After completing the procedure, the couple is eligible to perform court in just 1 day under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.
The specified acts come with specified eligibility. So, consult a professional lawyer to get guidance about each type of Act you can apply for your marriage. If you have any kind of doubts regarding court marriage with foreigners in Delhi and Ghaziabad, we suggest you make a call at +917503782804 and talk to our highly professional lawyers who have exceptional expertise in NRI court marriage.
You can also book a dedicated counselling session and clear all your doubts face-to-face with expert lawyers. Feel free to make a call to us, we’re here to serve you and we’re good at it. So, hit the call now and get answers to all your questions with experts.
NRI Court Marriage in Delhi & Ghaziabad
NRI court marriage in Delhi procedure is quite different as compared to court marriage in Ghaziabad. As we have discussed above, in NRI court marriage in Delhi NCR, people can complete their marriage via the Special Marriage Act,1954, which is a 30-day procedure or via the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, which is a 1-2 days procedure. Unlike Delhi, in Ghaziabad couples can perform their court marriage in just 1 days.
Yes, only in 1 day a couple can indeed register their marriage if they have applied for court marriage in Ghaziabad. But there is a condition in it. Both the parties who have applied for NRI court marriage in Ghaziabad must belong to the same religion. This means that couples where both the parties are same religion are eligible to apply for court marriage in Ghaziabad and complete their court marriage in just 1 day.
If this happens that one of the parties belongs to the Hindu religion and the other party belongs to the Muslim religion, then they’re not eligible to perform NRI court marriage in Ghaziabad. They’ll have to register their marriage from Delhi.
If you also got stuck in this situation where the person whom you want to marry does not belong to your religion, then don't worry. Give us a call at +917503782804 and talk to our experts. We have experts in performing court marriages in Ghaziabad. Tell your situation to our lawyers and get the best possible solution to your issue in just a few minutes. If you want to be more sure, then you can book a counselling session with our lawyers, where you’ll get personalized consultancy service. Here, you’ll get the best possible way to get rid of this situation.
Otherwise, if the couple applied for court marriage belonging to a similar religion, then their marriage will get completed as per their respective marriage acts (For Hindus:- Hindu Marriage Act 1955, For Muslims:- Muslim Marriage Act and others) in just 2 days.
Same Day NRI Court Marriage in Delhi
To be eligible for foreign court marriage in Ghaziabad and Delhi NCR, the couple needs to fulfil some conditions. We’ve mentioned each and every condition below:-
● Age:- Age is a very important factor which establishes the existence of a marriage. In India, a couple is eligible for marriage if they have completed the legal age of marriage set by the judicial law. In India, a male must be at least 21 years old to be eligible for court marriage, and a female must be at least 21 years old to be eligible for court marriage. The couple who have applied for court marriage must have dedicated government-authorized documents to prove that they have fulfilled the age eligibility of court marriage.
● Address:- The next most important thing is address. If a couple applies for NRI court marriage in Delhi, then one of the parties must show that he/she is a resident of Delhi. Same as in Ghaziabad. If a couple applied for court marriage in Ghaziabad then at least 1 party must have residential proof of Ghaziabad.
● Marital Status:- A married person is not eligible to perform court marriage with any other person. If someone is found to do so then strict action will be taken against him. To be eligible for court marriage both the parties must have to be “Single” or “Divorced” or “Widow/widower” to be eligible for court marriage.
● Consent:- Consent is the most important eligibility for performing foreign court marriage in Ghaziabad or in Delhi. If it is found that the court marriage is done forcefully or due to any kind of Undue influence the guilty person will face severe legal actions taken by the judicial law against him.
● Mental State:- Both the parties who have applied for foreign court marriage in Ghaziabad Delhi must have to ensure that they have a sound mind. An unsound-minded person is not eligible to perform any kind of court marriage.
These are some eligibility requirements that a couple must fulfil to be recommended for Court marriage by legal authorities. There may be some conditional eligibility which will apply to people who belong to specific conditions. If you want to know more about it, then give us a call at +917503782804 and talk to our highly professional lawyers who are appointed to serve you and clear all your doubts.
There are some prerequisites which you must know before going to know about the procedure of Foreigner Court marriage in Ghaziabad and Delhi. These prerequisites will help you perform your marriage in a better way. We have discussed some of the major prerequisites below:-
● Timing:- The Timing of the court for applying for NRI court marriage in Ghaziabad and Delhi is around 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. In between this time, a couple can apply for their court marriage. Also, the court/registrar office/SDM office (whichever is applicable) is open for court marriage work from Monday to Friday. Also, on national holidays there is no court marriage work happening in the court.
● Authority:- The Authority to verify the documents of couples who have applied for NRI court marriage in Delhi and Ghaziabad is given to different persons. Generally, it is seen that a marriage registrar will take the responsibility to perform proceedings for people. If you’ve applied for NRI court marriage in Ghaziabad then the authority of handling the procedure is given to the marriage registrar. So, the marriage registrar will handle the application. But, if you have applied for NRI court marriage in Delhi, then you need to visit the SDM office because,, in Delhi, SDM itself handles the work of court marriage.
● Acts:- There are different acts designed to establish equality in this diversified nation. Some of the major marriage acts, like the Special Marriage Act of 1954 and the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955, are the most preferred for people applying for court marriage. Otherwise, there are some other acts, like the Muslim Marriage Act and Christian Marriage Act, designed to serve people from specific religions.
● Fees:- The Fees of NRI court marriage in Ghaziabad and Delhi are unable to be estimated. You’ll find various associates who charge Rs.50,000+ for their services and some associates charge only Rs. 10,000. Still, if you hire a genuine court marriage lawyer for your foreign marriage in Delhi or Ghaziabad, then it will cost you around Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 28,000. It totally depends upon the area, locality and type of associates you’re hiring.
These are some prerequisites which are essential to know for every couple before going to understand the documents, procedure and other aspects of foreign court marriage in Ghaziabad and Delhi.
Documents Required
The list of documents required for foreign court marriage in Delhi NCR and Ghaziabad is quite complex. This is why, here we’re talking about NRI people who want to marry an Indian resident. Commonly, the documentation is going to be tough. Not only because of marital eligibility but also for security reasons. After completing the marriage, the other person is considered an Indian resident. So, it is very important to have prior clarity of every document and verification of both parties.
Documents are divided into 2 categories where: some documents like age proof, address proof, photographs, and witness with their local IDs; marriage proofs are compulsory documents which are required for every couple to submit in court. However, there is a category where a list of conditional documents is present. Documents like the Divorce certificate and the death certificate of a spouse are some of the documents which are only required when specific conditions apply in their court marriage.
There are some documents required to apply for the process of NRI court marriage in Delhi. Now, let's discuss the documents required to execute NRI court marriage in Delhi, Ghaziabad:-
● Age Proof : - For age proof, you can show your Voter ID card, Matriculation certificate, and Driving license. Is the age proof required to verify whether the age of parties fulfils the eligibility criteria of NRI marriage or not? If yes, then the couple is allowed to show other documents. Otherwise, their application will get rejected by the registrar/SDM. Also, the couple need to make sure that all the documents are available in photocopies and original form, and all the documents must be genuine.
● Residence proof : - For residence proof, you can show any government-authorized document which also covers your residential address, like a matriculation certificate, passport, ETC. At Least one of the parties who have applied for NRI court marriage in Ghaziabad or Delhi must ensure that they have residency in Ghaziabad or Delhi in the state or district they have applied for.
● Affidavit : - The affidavit is separately required and must be attested by the SDM or magistrate with a specified entry number. This document is a conditional document, which is only required when no family member is available at the time of the court marriage of both parties. This affidavit requires that the couple claim that no family member is there to attend their marriage and they’re willing to get married to each other with prior consent without the availability of their family members.
● Photos : - 2-3 photographs are required for each party which covers passport size. Photographs should be in passport size, and the faces of both parties should be clearly visible background. Photographs like White, red, and sky blue are suggested.
● Witness : - 2 witnesses are required (One from each side) with their ID proofs. A witness can be anyone whether it is your family member, any relative, friend, or close one.
Along with these documents, if a couple had performed a court marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955, then they need to show the marriage photographs and invitation card to the marriage registrar/SDM. It will act as evidence that both parties are involved in a marriage performed under the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955.
Notes (List of Conditional documents)
● If any one of the parties is divorced then he/she has to bring his/her divorce certificate. As we have already discussed in the eligibility section a person is eligible to perform court marriage if he/she has their marital status “Single” or “Divorced”. So, in case a person is divorced then he/she will have to show their divorce certificate to verify that he/she is not engaged with any other person.
● If one of the parties is a widow/widower then they also have to show the death certificate of the partner.
● NOC is also required from the embassy and a VISA is also required of the partner who is a foreigner for final confirmation. The court will verify whether the person who is a foreigner or an NRI is a legal citizen of the respective country or not. If that person is involved in any kind of illegal activity, then he/she is not eligible to perform court marriage until a detailed verification and certification is completed.
The procedure of NRI Court Marriage in Delhi NCR Ghaziabad under special marriage ACT?
Now, it's time to discuss the detailed procedure of NRI court marriage in Delhi NCR under the Special Marriage Act, 1954. As we know, in Delhi, if a couple has opted to perform a court marriage under the Special Marriage Act of 1954, then it will take around 30 days to complete the marriage. Also, if the couple has applied for court marriage under the Special Marriage Act, 1954, under which the marriage is completed in just 2 days, then they’ll also get the certificate after completing 30 days. Inter Religion NRI / Foreigner court marriage in Ghaziabad is not allowed.
● Firstly, the couple has to fill the application form which attains some personal information. After filling the form, both the bride and groom have to sign it. he Application form is available in the court, or couples can get access to the application form from the official government website. While filling out the application form, the couple needs to attract their photographs and duly sign the application form. Also, they need to ensure that all the details attached to it must be genuine and you must have prior documents to verify every detail.
● Documentary evidence is also required like the Date of birth of both parties. The age of both parties, the address/residential of both parties and a lot more. Make sure to have original documents required and suggested by our lawyers.
● Proof of Residential address is also required which shows that you're living in Delhi for 30 days.
● Submit all the documents in the SDM office and get an appointment date which is approx. 30 days after opting for marriage. In 30 days, you’ll have to wait for the completion of the “No objection period” This is the period where both parties have to wait for 30 days, and a duly notice is issued and sent to the residential address of both parties. Well, if you want to stop the notice part then you can write an application to SDM regarding it. If you have opted for the 2-day option available under the Special Marriage Act, 1954, then you don't need to wait for 30 days, and you can directly jump to the next step.
● Visit the appointment place and complete all the formalities in front of the registrar. The registrar/SDM will verify all your documents and initiate the marriage procedure by completing the final formalities of NRI court marriage in Delhi NCR Ghaziabad.
● After registering, the couple will get a globally valid marriage certificate. In Ghaziabad, you’ll get the certificate in just 2 days but you need to make sure that both parties must have the same religion. In Delhi, if you’ve completed the procedure of court marriage in 30 days, then you’ll get a certificate immediately; otherwise, if you’ve completed your marriage in 2 days, then also you have to wait for 30 days to get your marriage certificate.
The procedure of NRI Court marriage in Delhi NCR Ghaziabad Under Hindu Marriage Act?
If you have applied for NRI court marriage under Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 then you need to ensure that both the parties applied for marriage belong to the same religion. In Ghaziabad, a couple is eligible to perform NRI court marriage only if both parties have applied for court marriage belonging to the same religion. Inter Religion NRI / Foreigner court marriage in Ghaziabad is not allowed.
In case you’ve applied for a Foreigner Court marriage in Delhi, then you’re allowed to perform court marriage with people of a different religion, but one of the parties will have to change their religion into a Hindu religion. Under the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955, a couple is only eligible to perform court marriage if he and she belong to the Hindu religion.
Some expectations also were people from Jain, Buddhism, and Sikhism also allowed to perform Hindu marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955, but Muslims and Christians were not allowed to perform Hindu marriage until they performed “Shuddhi”.
● Hire a professional lawyer and complete 1-2 consultancy sessions with him. If you’re looking for one of the best court marriage associates for Foreigner marriage in Delhi NCR, then you just need to hit the call on +917503782804, and you’ll get the best in class services at the best price.
● Your lawyer will guide you through all the paperwork and documents required. We recommend you have a counselling session with your lawyer where you’ll tell everything to him and clear all your doubts.
● You just have to visit the court with your lawyer and apply for your NRI marriage.
● The registrar will give an appointment in 2 days. You just have to visit after the specified time with all the documents. At that time, you’ll have to perform traditional Hindu marriage in a government-authorized Arya Samaj mandir. So, bring the essentials that we have mentioned in the pre-requisites of Court marriage in Ghaziabad Delhi NCR and complete your traditional Hindu marriage. Come back to the marriage registrar's office and verify your marriage.
● The registrar will verify the documents and issue the globally accepted marriage certificate to the couple.
In this way, you can perform your NRI court marriage in Ghaziabad Delhi NCR. But let us tell you to be very conscious while hiring a court marriage lawyer or associates for you. This is because many fraudsters are working to fraud the couples and charge high amounts from them. Also, they perform fake marriages of couples and charge high amounts. We have talked about these fraudsters in the below-discussed para.
Foreigner Court Marriage in Delhi | Foreigner Court Marriage in Ghaziabad | Foreigner Court Marriage in Delhi NCR
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Foreigner Court Marriage in Delhi |
Beware of NRI Court Marriage In Ghaziabad Delhi NCR Frauds
Thousands of people apply for NRI court marriage in Delhi NCR Ghaziabad every year. Some of them get stuck with fraudsters and spoil their marriage excitement by getting cheated by some authorized and fake associates and lawyers. These fraudsters will try to attract you with exciting deals and people get attracted by these crazy deals and get cheated. They charge higher amounts in the name of Hidden charges and hidden costs. Some fraudsters will perform your fake registration and take a good amount from you. When you register your marriage, then, you find that your marriage is not registered in the judicial records.
Every couple should test the advocate and/or associates before hiring them for their court marriage. Meeting with the lawyer offline, checking their qualification, and checking the past records of a lawyer or associates are some of the tips which every couple should use to find the best lawyer for you. If you want to get stuck with any fraud agents, then you can hire us for your foreign court marriage in Ghaziabad Delhi NCR. If you want to know more about us then check the para discussed below.
Hanit Vashisht & Associates
We're one of the best and most reputed service providers for NRI court marriage in Delhi NCR Ghaziabad. We had great expertise for years for the competition of NRI marriages under specified Acts. We offer premium quality consultancy with No hidden cost to our clients. We have 8+ years of working experience in which we have completed more than 2100+ NRI and Foreigner court marriages in Ghaziabad Delhi NCR. We have worked with some of the most prestigious lawyers in India and provided exceptional quality services to our customers.
Hanit Vashisht & Associates is a
platform that provides premium quality services with no hidden cost and always
ready to deal with any kind of legal situation occurs during marriage. We provide end-to-end encryption of the personal details of couples and also provide the option to delete their details in our record. Along with this, we’re very affordable and charge the reasonable prices our clients require to operate the Vashisht Associates. That's why we people get the best quality services at the cheapest price.
If you want to hire us then you just need to hit the call on +917503782804. Our executive will talk to you and connect you with our expert lawyers. You can book an offline counselling session or can also ask questions and get the answers on call. If you feel comfortable and feel inclined to hire us then proceed with the hiring request and complete your NRI Court marriage in Delhi NCR Ghaziabad at the best price.
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